The Ghost Tree

It makes me happy to see the ghost tree resembling the real trees of Ruffner Mountain.

It makes me happy to see the ghost tree resembling the real trees of Ruffner Mountain.

Made of remnants of canvas from the curtains I made for Ruffner Mountain’s Nature Center, the ghost tree stands in the big room of the Nature Center. I originally made the tree as part of an installation for Naked Art Gallery. Stitched and sutured, pieced and patched, the tree symbolizes the connections between all living things. It serves as a reminder of fragmented forests and trees lost to urban sprawl and rampant development, but it is also a metaphor for hope and the power of nature to rebound if given a chance. A tree’s life is fragile. It is a building block in a forest of interconnected organisms. Tug on a string, and the entwined shifts and bends, branches break, and life unravels. Read more…

Quilt the Forest

Nature, whether a topographical scene, a forest, plant, animal, insect, bird, or an interaction between any of these living things, vignettes of wonder stop us in our tracks and appeal to our senses. As we stroll through a park, walk along on a trail in a nature preserve, or work in a garden, our experiences and observations affect us in ways we may not even be aware of. Lasting impressions, we recall and connect to these nature scenes to inspire, calm, motivate, and center our souls. To help people explore and tell their nature-inspired stories with fabric art, I developed a Quilt the Forest Workshop.


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